Cap and Gown How-To
Sign-ups for our Cap and Gown Mini Sessions open on Monday, May 2nd, so in preparation for that, we wanted to give you a cap and gown how-to mini-lesson! Graduation is such a fun time and we want to make sure you are all ready to go when pictures roll around. Nothing worse than having a cap fall off or not knowing where to place the tassel! With a few preparations, you can sail through your graduation photos and nail your look so that these grad pics are a fond memory for years to come and not a scary reminder of that time you didn’t iron your gown!!
Week Before Prep
First and foremost, Do NOT open your gown on photoshoot day, please! It will look wrinkled and bad. As far as the gown goes, it needs to be ironed. But be warned, they can burn easily. Place a thin towel or another item of cloth between the iron and the gown to prevent burning. Make sure to keep it hanging after it’s been ironed so there are no wrinkles, same if you have a sash! You also need to try on the cap beforehand so you know what it looks and feels like. This is especially important for girls if they are planning a special hairstyle. Make sure it works with the cap! You can always pin the cap to ensure it stays in place with the square on top of or behind the back of your head. While tassels go on the right side of your cap before graduation and are moved to the left after the ceremony, for pics, you can place it on either side! So no need to worry there!
Different Ways to Style
Gowns are great accessories on their own as they can be worn in many different ways. On, zipped up, un-zipped, over the shoulder, just the cap, holding the tassels, holding the cap, tossing the cap. The options are endless! But you should also bring other meaningful items with you like college spirit wear (worn under your gown) foam fingers, leis, balloons, etc. You can bring all kinds of fun stuff! Adding a personalized touch to your cap is always a great option too! Whether it’s flowers, stickers, inspirational words, or glittery accents, a bit of decoration can make your outfit feel specialized to you. Check out our shots below to get some Behind the Scene inspiration or see our Pinterest for more cap and gown photos!
Behind the Scenes
Shooting BTS (Behind The Scenes) are always fun, but especially when it comes to all the prep for graduation sessions! There are gowns, shoes, and tassels everywhere! Things can get a little hectic with only 15 mins to snag the perfect shot. Luckily, they make for a great contrast between what I see, and what the photo turns out to be! Plus, seeing the action behind the perfect shot can help you feel less intimidated and more ready for the day. I always have such a fun time working with seniors on these mini sessions and love the energy that they bring! As you can see, there are always other girls standing by to hype you up too. How fun! Check out our Insta story highlight for a peek at our grad mini sessions!
Let’s Connect!
To snag a Mini Cap and Gown Session of your own, start booking on 5/2! And be sure to follow me on Instagram for announcements. I can’t wait to get your session scheduled! You can reach out on my website, email me at [email protected], or call/text me at 530-412-0730.