Mother’s Day Portraits
At AHP, we wanted to showcase all of our AH-mazing moms by sharing their Mother’s Day portraits in Seattle & Tacoma with you! It is no surprise to anyone that our seniors have the best moms (and dads and grandmas of course). Am I right?? So it’s only appropriate that we had a shoot all about them! I don’t think you are even ready for how cute these Mother’s Day portraits are!!
Mother-Daughter Session
I love having a special day to get moms and daughters together in front of the camera! It is so fun seeing the family resemblance of the girls I have been photographing their whole senior year. I mean, how cool are genes?! Another awesome part about this shoot is allowing parents to sneak a peek behind the camera! While I always get the pleasure of seeing their little angels work their magic, it is such a special opportunity for the moms and dads to see what their daughter has been doing for the last year. It is also fun to watch the girls freeze up once their parents are around! Ha!
Outfit Twinning
While it may be “so lame” to dress like mom any other day of the year, for these mini-me pics, it is so cute! Having a couple of matching items, like shoes, or similar colored tops not only helps the pictures look more cohesive but also is SO fun! Each girl invites her mother (or father and grandmother!) to Studio253 and they get their own special time in front of the camera with each other. Between hugging, cute power stances, silly poses, and even piggyback rides, there is so much love to be shared between these girls and their families! I just LOVE capturing it so they can have these memories forever!
AH-mazing Support System
Parents support these girls in so many different ways. From photoshoots to graduation announcements, to sporting events, and everything else that goes into senior year, Moms, Dads, and Grandparents share so much of their love. We could not do any of this without them! Thank you. thank you, thank you!! It only feels right that we return the love by having these special moments. No parent wants to say goodbye to their little girl when she leaves for college, but having these photos can help ease some of the distance. Trust me, your child will want a copy in their dorms too! These Mother’s Day portraits aren’t just for the moms!
Let’s Connect!
If you are interested in a mommy and me session before your baby goes away to college, please reach out! It would be my pleasure to get you some cute shots while your senior is still living at home! You can fill out the easy form on my website to get started or contact me by phone (530-412-0730) or by email ([email protected]). I can’t wait to hear from you!