January 29, 2020

Fall Senior Portraits in Tacoma | Amanda Howse Photography

Fall Senior Portraits in Tacoma

I could not wait for fall senior portraits in Tacoma with my fellow redhead! Rachel scheduled her senior portrait session for the first week in October because she loves fall and the colors of the season. She is all about cozy fall style and enjoying the perfect PNW climate. It was an AH-mazing day with gorgeous sunlight.

We started the day at Wright Park, before wandering the streets of downtown Tacoma near my studio. I love that Rachel trusted me to find the best spots in Tacoma for her outdoor senior portraits. I know this area so well and love showcasing it through portrait sessions! We chased the light, climbed fences, and even set off an alarm – oops! It was all in good fun and resulted in beautiful senior portraits.

Rare Beauty

Rachel has stunning red hair, blue eyes, and freckles. She’s also left-handed. This literally makes her one in a million! She has learned so much in her senior year and has gained confidence in who she is. I am so glad I got to capture her natural beauty in this fall senior portrait session in Tacoma.

Kara (HMUA extraordinaire from the AHP team) did Rachel’s hair and makeup, highlighting her natural beauty and features. Rachel wore her hair down in loose waves with soft, feminine makeup. This is one of the best looks for a variety of outfits. Rachel kept it casual for a few of her portraits in ripped jeans, a cozy sweater, and a jean jacket. We found the most amazing backdrop for her gorgeous yellow sweater: a red wall! I am all about contrast and complementary colors. We even lucked out with an awesome burnt orange wall and so many other fun things.

Future Plans

Rachel plans on studying nursing, and I know she will be an amazing registered nurse. She loves helping people feel their best, and genuinely cares about each person she meets. Rachel is so much fun to be around and makes such an impression by keeping everyone happy and laughing. She is also encouraging and loves motivating her friends to be their best selves.

Rachel’s role model is her mom, who encourages her to be healthy, positive, and loving. She brought her mom along to her session and we had so much fun! Her mom is a natural redhead too, and the three of us got along so well. Her mom even assisted with the reflector to make sure Rachel looked her absolute best.

Fall Senior Portraits in Tacoma with Autumn Colors Photographed by Tacoma Senior Photographer Amanda Howse Sunny downtown senior portraits in Tacoma photographed in Autumn by senior photographer Amanda Howse Glam senior portraits with floral dress and jean jacket photographed by the best Tacoma senior portrait photographer Amanda Howse Autumn senior portraits in Tacoma with floral dress and colorful tree photographed by Amanda Howse Urban senior portraits in downtown Tacoma with unique backdrop photographed by Tacoma senior photographer Amanda Howse Urban Tacoma senior portraits with golden light photographed by Amanda Howse Senior portraits on the steps in downtown Tacoma photographed by the best senior photographer Amanda Howse Rustic senior portraits in the city on brick wall photographed by Tacoma senior photographer Amanda Howse Sunny Tacoma senior portraits downtown with changing leaves and fall outfit inspiration photographed by Amanda Howse Sunny senior portraits with gorgeous yellow sweater and jeans photographed by Tacoma senior photographer Amanda Howse Pose ideas for urban senior portraits in downtown Tacoma photographed by Amanda Howse Modern senior portraits in Tacoma with casual outfit inspo photographed by Amanda Howse Casual senior portraits in Tacoma with beautiful redhead in sherpa jean jacket photographed by Tacoma senior portrait photographer Amanda Howse

Vendor Credits

Hair & Makeup for Fall Senior Portraits in Tacoma: Kara Lewis, Inspired Radiance Beauty

Let’s Connect!

The class of 2020 is graduating soon! That means I am just a couple of months away from opening my books for the Class of 2021 seniors. If you have any questions, it’s super easy to reach out on my website! You can also email me at [email protected] or call/text me at 530-412-0730.

Fall senior portraits with sunlight in downtown Tacoma photographed by Amanda Howse