This Discovery Park senior portrait session is all about bold colors, movement, and trusting your senior photographer! Exploring Discovery Park with Isabel for her senior session was so much fun! This is the second time I have been lucky enough to have her behind the camera, and I loved every minute of it. Isabel is awesome. She loves modeling and is so comfortable in front of the camera!
AHP Style
Isabel showed up looking AH-mazing! She loves doing hair and makeup for herself and her friends. She even did her own hair and makeup for her senior portraits!! How awesome is that?? This girl is so talented! And her sense of style is so cool! Isabel showed up in the cutest orange top. This color is popping up in sessions everywhere this year. I am loving this bright color trend. I even brought a pink hat from the AHP Style Closet because I knew Isabel would rock it! I love that she isn’t afraid to wear bold colors and stand out. She also has such a sweet purely feminine delicate voice!
The Importance of Movement
Movement is so important for photos! Isabel is on the dance team and has experience modeling, so she knows how to move. She was totally up for dancing in a field of wildflowers and enjoying the wind! One of the many reasons to trust your photographer. We had so much fun finding gorgeous fields and wildflowers to take portraits in, and movement played an essential role in capturing those moments!
A Positive Impact
Isabel is Puerto Rican and is so proud of her culture and ethnicity. I love how her smile is contagious and she treats everyone with kindness! Her uplifting spirit makes a positive impact on those around her. She has big plans to go to law school and pursue a career as a civil rights attorney. Her mom is her biggest role model, and I can see why! Both Isabel and her mom are incredible women who have worked so hard and value education. Isabel is at the top of her class and has taken such cool classes on Criminal Justice and Criminal Law! She is so driven and confident. I know this boss babe will accomplish great things in life!!
Schedule Your Discovery Park Senior Portrait Session
Interested in booking an adventurous senior portrait session with me? My available fall dates are booking fast! Luckily, it’s super easy to get in touch and schedule your session. You can reach out anytime on my website! You can also email me at [email protected] or call/text 530-412-0730 to schedule your shoot.